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Friday, 20 March 2009


Still loving it. The keenly-eyed amongst you will see it's no longer a Featured Product. That's because I might find it a bit hard to give this one up....

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Welcome back, Surralan....

Oh, I'm so delighted The Apprentice will be back with us soon. I'll be stuck in a hotel room on my own doing a heap of paperwork, so I will be able to watch without distraction.....

Anyway, how did I get on with the Louis Vuitton Batignolles? Well, for a weekend bag it was lovely. It's small-to-medium size, so I only transferred the essentials - all my weekday essentials just wouldn't have fitted. I do kind of enjoy minimising at the weekend, though, having a decluttered handbag helps me to feel somewhat liberated!

I admit to a twinge of delight when I was paying for fuel and lady, who had just filled up her shiny blue convertible CLK, me gave that look of "aah, Louis Vuitton....nice....." and I did enjoy the open-top style of the bag, allowing me to fling my purse back in and flounce out to the forecourt. Of course, this isn't very secure and so it's not the bag of choice for an Oliver Twist Area and I wouldn't use it on the tube. For that I'd go for the Speedy, especially with its natty little matching padlock.

So, now I've moved on. I'm "testing" the Chloe Bay now. I'm already pretty obsessed with it actually, it's incredibly practical and I've got SO much stuff in there! I love the fact that the patent leather is virtually bulletproof and the mushroom colour works fabulously with my favourite Spring jacket. The Bay is one of our Featured Products at the moment, which of course I have done on purpose to assuage my guilt. A guilty pleasure, "testing" these beauties!

BFN - ooh, that reminds me - is it the last Paris Hilton's BBF this week?! Can't believe Flick didn't make it to the final....
Jo. XX.

Friday, 13 March 2009

Tittle Tattle on Twitter

Not one to have any willpower when it comes to getting sucked into fads, and certainly not ones that a host of celebrities are also into, I've given in without a fight and signed up to Twitter. So do have a look if you are a Twit too! I'm in as JOatHHHQ. See you there!

Now, on to more serious business. It's Friday today and in my world, Friday has always been Funday, so time to select a bag for the weekend. At the moment it's a choice between the MJ Palais Gray (we all need a little Marc Jacobs in our lives), the fabulously frivolous and shiny Gucci Hysteria or a neatly chic Louis Vuitton. Ah decisions, decisions.

Let's face it, they all have their attributes, but as I type I'm edging towards the traditional elegance of the Batignolles. Though the Gucci did just smile at me, I swear.....

I'm off to transfer my handbag-innards before I change my mind. Have an amazing weekend everyone,
Jo. XX.