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Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Order! Order!

Yes, it's time for me to get my house in order. Well, handbag really, though most of the time I could live in my handbag, let's face it it's got everything in there apart from the kitchen sink anyway....
So, this week I'm trialling a new handbag organiser, before it goes live on our website. It's a really clever idea, it's a strip of tough material with lots of different-sized nooks and crannies and it loops around the perimeter of your bag, leaving the middle area free for large items that you need to grab quickly. Now, I have a Coach wallet, which is pretty big and a bit of a challenge for most bags. It's so heavy it disappears to the bottom and then gets caught on everything as I drag it up from the murky depths. So, imagine if you will, all my little fiddly bits secured around the inner edge of "my" Prada Shopping (this week's passion) and the Coach wallet wallowing in all that space in the middle. Fantastic; easy access. Dangerous for the bank balance, that.
And THEN there's a light, too, so even in the hours of darkness I can find everything I need. Will this newly-revived Virgoan characteristic stay with me? Who knows, but right now I'm very proud of my neat-and-tidy tardis.

Other news from the engine room, here at HHHQ HQ: Our lovely Gucci sunglasses have almost sold out now. We are delighted at the response to the new sunnies section of the site and hope to have more labels coming in very soon.
Also, look out for our competitions in That's Life! and Take a Break. Lifetime memberships up for grabs, so you could never pay your HHHQ subs again and STILL have access to all our glorious bags.

I've done a live radio broadcast this week, talking to Orla at Newstalk, an Irish station. One of our favourite members joined in, too, so between us the poor Orla must have been all bagged out! We were also in the Daily Mail on Monday, so do keep looking out for mentions of us and let me know if you spot one we haven't seen.

Must go and get packing (literally!)

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